We're happy to answer the most common questions about us right here. But if you have other questions you need answers for, send us an email through the Contact Page. We try to reply within 24 hours.
No. Turning Circle is an open fellowship. At Turning Circle, members have voting rights concerning the group's charter and planning, but non-members are free to attend and participate in any scheduled ritual, service, or gathering. We don't make members swear oaths of secrecy/loyalty or submit to having their Measure taken. You can join us or leave as your needs change. We also do not impose any particular religious dogma on our members and guests. We are a fellowship of equals.
Absolutely! So is our parent organization (the UUCC). And that really does include the "T". We also have LGBTQ+ representation at the Coordinator rank. We are welcoming and inclusive.
While we have several members (and one Coordinator) who are Wiccan, Turning Circle is an eclectic Pagan fellowship. Wiccans, Druids, Shamans, Pantheists, and all manner of Pagans are welcome. People who are open to what Paganism has to offer but are still searching for their own spiritual path are also welcome. There are a variety of rituals practiced at Turning Circle. Our group never gets stale!
Turning Circle is not exclusive; it is an open fellowship. Yes, you can be a member of Turning Circle and another religious group at the same time. Several of our members (and leaders) have dual-participation with Turning Circle and other spiritual venues.
Nope! Most of our members are pretty informal. Some wear cloaks and capes while others wear regular casual attire (denim and t-shirts are just fine). You can bring your wand/Athame if that works for you, or not if you don't want to.
All are welcome, whether you're attending for the first time or have come here for years. Non-members are welcome at all events listed on our calendar. Visitors are welcome. The simply-curious are welcome. Non-members fully participate in our rituals and may even lead rituals.
You must attend three gatherings in a six month period, be a active participant, show an interest in joining, and be voted in. There is a suggested annual donation of $10 for being a voting member. However, we can waive that fee for reasons of financial hardship.
Of course they are! Several members bring their children to our rites and services. Just remember, however, that we don't have a separate activity program for children.
Our leaders are ready to help you.
Phoenix - Coordinator (and Founder)
Indigo - Coordinator (and Web Designer)
Sage- Coordinator
Selene - Scribe and Pursewarden
Valentine - Bard